

I stopped reading a book this weekend after about 40 pages because one character—a lawyer in 1860s New York—said to an 11-year-old child who works to support his sick mother—ALSO [...]

By |June 28, 2010|Categories: Reading|

Dentist humor

At the dentist's office, I tripped in the doorway to the chair. Turns out there was a nail sticking out of the threshold. So he goes and gets a hammer [...]

By |June 25, 2010|Categories: Life|

Hot dog

Long day. Should be writing, but it's hard to clear my head on or after a busy day at work.Ursa and I are in the only air-conditioned room in our [...]

By |June 22, 2010|Categories: Life, Ursa|


'HAWKS WIN!The real hockey fan in the house is my husband. He's dedicated. Seriously dedicated. Psychotically dedicated. I'm more on the side of fairweather, but I do support the team. [...]

By |June 10, 2010|Categories: Life|