More good news, and a small rant directed at myself
So a while back, I had a post up with some good news in it, and then took it down because I heard from someone at the good news-giving organization [...]
Winning some and losing some
I got asked to teach a class at my alma mater today. And had to say no.It's a timing thing. I have a full-time job, and I just can't swing [...]
I stopped reading a book this weekend after about 40 pages because one character—a lawyer in 1860s New York—said to an 11-year-old child who works to support his sick mother—ALSO [...]
Dentist humor
At the dentist's office, I tripped in the doorway to the chair. Turns out there was a nail sticking out of the threshold. So he goes and gets a hammer [...]
I hear Procrasti-Nation is winning the World Cup
I feel like I haven't read a book in seven years, but clearly that's not true.The reading list does continue. Just not apace.27. Haunted Ground- Erin Hart28. I Am a [...]
Hot dog
Long day. Should be writing, but it's hard to clear my head on or after a busy day at work.Ursa and I are in the only air-conditioned room in our [...]
The Girl Who Ate Pizza for Dinner
Rained like crazy today, but Major U's graduation seems to be going off just fine. Perhaps people are soggy in their robes. Can't tell from the webcast. Which I watched [...]
Sometimes writing is fun.
Printers Row regrets?
Sunday morning. Have had tea and muffin (OK, two muffins) for breakfast. And now— Writing. That's all there is right now, when I'm not working. I should weed the front [...]
'HAWKS WIN!The real hockey fan in the house is my husband. He's dedicated. Seriously dedicated. Psychotically dedicated. I'm more on the side of fairweather, but I do support the team. [...]