I hear Procrasti-Nation is winning the World Cup

I feel like I haven’t read a book in seven years, but clearly that’s not true.

The reading list does continue. Just not apace.

27. Haunted Ground– Erin Hart

28. I Am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I Want to Be Your Class President– Josh Lieb
I had to read this. I’m the president of my high school senior class (job for life) and have been thinking about our next reunion a bit lately. Also, I’m evil. This book is YA or middle-grade, actually, which I don’t normally read, but have enjoyed a few titles here and there. The voice of the narrating protagonist is really good, and the outlandish concept mostly works. I was worried a bit about rooting for a character who not only says he’s evil, but actually is, but he’s charming in a way I didn’t expect, as well as funny. The only character I didn’t believe was the father. Someone else read this and report back to me on that dad. What would have made him more believable? Or is he totally fine, and I’m an idiot?

29. After You-Julie Buxbaum
This book probably falls under the category of “women’s fiction.” Whatever. Call it whatever. Put it on whatever shelf. It manages to avoid a lot of the inevitable stuff that chick lit is built on, although one big turn of events could be seen from a hundred yards. I also kept expecting…something. I think it must come from liking/writing mysteries. The payoff in this novel wasn’t as good as I hoped. Still, it’s quite enjoyable and no dogs died in it. Only a human, but I can deal with that.

OK, no more reading until you have a book draft, young lady.

By Published On: June 23, 2010Categories: Reading