Ugh, right. Nine days later, I return to the scene of the crime.The problem, I've decided, is that the day isn't made up of enough hours.I'm getting work done away [...]
Woah, what happened to the week?
Work, I think. I think I did a bunch of that. Wrote some, but not nearly enough. Am going to the Book Cellar today to write with friends. I hope [...]
In the course of an hour at work today, two people mentioned things to me about my writing and writing instruction. Yes. I write things other than what Major U [...]
OK, day off from writing. To watch "Glee." It can't be helped.
And also: 150 pages
Inspired by my class (see below), I reached 150 pages on the new novel. I'm having fun with it.
Time to write
Well, it's official. It's fall. I'm wearing a fleece. I'm inside my house, wearing a fleece. It's black because I'm in mourning for summer.O, summer. You had such a short [...]
I’m glad somebody has time to be writing.
Good writerly stuff, this.
Where was I?
Busy. I was busy leading up to our vacation, and then crazy busy when I got back to work last week. People! I was only gone five working days! But [...]
A week plus holiday off, and re-entry is a little tough.I'll pull it together and get back to you.
Of course the best thing we've done with our vacation was go see the family. I think we saw every immediate family member Greg and I have: all parents (although [...]