A week plus holiday off, and re-entry is a little tough.I'll pull it together and get back to you.
Of course the best thing we've done with our vacation was go see the family. I think we saw every immediate family member Greg and I have: all parents (although [...]
What I did with my summer vacation
We've been on vacation all week. The first half didn't feel like vacation, because I used a lot of my free time to make sure I was ready for class [...]
And here we go.
Why, hello. Are you looking for me?I'm on vacation, but you wouldn't know it from how busy I've been.In fact, you wouldn't know it from how much work I did [...]
Oh, man.
I think I'm listed in Poets & Writers for the Good Housekeeping win. Too bad my subscription JUST ran out.As my two-year-old nieces like to say, "Oh, man."I think it's [...]
Things are about to get interesting.One full-time job.Add one novel draft in progress, writer of.Add ten-week online fiction-writing course, student of.Add one fifteen-week in-person fiction-writing course, teacher of.This is me, [...]
Miss me?
Good morning, friends! I'm not sure how I let time get this far away from me. I apologize. When I started to think about why I haven't written here, I [...]
Not Kenny
That tomorrow I was looking for didn't happen until Friday. Friday, being the last day of the work week, often is the tomorrow we're looking for. Now it's Saturday. I [...]
Only a day away, etc.
Had a bad day. Worked late. Kidnapped husband to go get beer/burger. Missed Gotham live chat. Got about 500 words done today, which is not enough.Tomorrow. I have my eye [...]
Good morning, Major U!
Feeling better, but you know what doesn't help? Working on weekends. I'm currently at the place of my employ (one of other buildings on the campus of Major U, at [...]