My triumphant return to Dover, Indiana
To follow up on my last post, I didn't get any reading time that Sunday, as I'd planned.No. No, I had to sort through piles of receipts looking for writing [...]
Light at the end of the tunnel
I think I've finally got down what I'm going to say at the event at my high school. Good thing, since it's a week from today. After that's over, I'll [...]
Catrinas Dance
OH! I forgot something. I finally finally finally got my contributor's copy of the anthology Dia de los Muertos, in which my story "The Catrinas Will Dance With Any Boy [...]
My not-writing life
This was supposed to be a writing blog, but guess what? I'm not writing.This is a problem on a couple of fronts, but I have high hopes that after a [...]
New blog design
Yeah, new layout. Am I sick of the two feet of snow outside? How could you tell?
Barbaric yAWP
Survived SNOWPOCALYPSE by, basically, staying inside as much as possible. Ursa did not get a walk one morning. We paid our neighbor $20 to do the walk up to our [...]
Snowpocalypse 2011
Ursa was parked at the Barking Lot over the weekend. She got a bath before we picked her up, and this is what we found.A bandanna. Greg was beside himself, [...]
Stuff and things
Today it was finally above freezing for a while, and it was like Tahiti, in comparison to the last few weeks.So lame. Give me spring, please.Forgive the radio silence. Was [...]
What I’ve been up to
I have read two books already this year, so let's get that going.1. (How exciting to type 1. again!) A Rule Against Murder- Louise Penny2. The Brutal Telling- Louise PennyYes, [...]
Sister Guppy
Another shiny headache day, but YOU LOSE, shiny headache. I drowned you in Excedrin Migraine and Coca-Cola. Just try to get up from that.Also, I just joined Sisters in Crime [...]