
Ahoy, mateys

The caption I want to use:“What happens when I send my husband to the grocery.”The caption he said I was allowed to use:“Winter’s comin.’”

By |April 24, 2011|Categories: Life|


I have but three words for you. The. Wilder. Life.Bought Wendy McClure's new book for the nook. Here it is, all pretty and electronic.There's a bonnet, with strings flying in [...]

By |April 15, 2011|Categories: Life, Lori story, Reading|

Me & Oprah & lotsabooks

I guess I'm allowed to talk about this by now: Tomorrow, on the Oprah Winfrey Show, several former cast members of Saturday Night Live will reunite.Somewhere in the audience, me.Oprah [...]

By |April 11, 2011|Categories: Life, Reading|

Writer math be damned.

So I read the whole draft-in-progress of The Black Hour in order to get back into it, and now I'm 102 words SHORT of where I started.Hey, if I saw [...]

By |March 21, 2011|Categories: Black Hour, Writing|

Life’s little mysteries

I like mysteries. I think we've established that. But what you may not know is that I like mysteries in real life, too—or at least I seem to.I went out [...]

By |March 20, 2011|Categories: Life|


I though this article from Gotham on significant detail did a pretty good job of being explicit and giving good examples.

By |March 13, 2011|Categories: Writing|