With my book coming out next year, I find myself in a new position. Giving advice. I mean, if you know me, you know I like to give advice. Maybe [...]
Should have kept up my study of Russian
I just spent a great deal of time going through old "comments" waiting for approval for this site. Mostly indecipherable Russian (16 college credits, and all I can pick out [...]
Carried in my purse a week before I had the time to share it
I found this quote in a magazine and tore out the page. "I have an image in my head: I'm holding a small bowl in my two cupped hands and [...]
I dropped the bomb about my book being published at last and then nothing. For weeks. I wish I could tell you about all the writing I've been doing, but [...]
How to get your novel published
New site in honor of my big news: My first novel, at this time titled The Black Hour, will be published by Seventh Street Books in summer of 2014. I've [...]
Meme me
Friend of mine, another Roosevelt writer, posted this meme, and I haven't been writing here much (you noticed), so why not? 1) What is the working title of your next [...]
‘Tis the season of resolutions
My best friend and I exchange resolutions each year, and this week she mentioned that she'd had a check-in with hers. Some successes, some maybe-next-years. Typical of resolutions, that you [...]
Games we play
My husband is playing a video game where heavy metal music figures heavily. The main character, voiced by Jack Black but not funny, which is a crying shame, is a [...]
I know.It's been, like, forever, right? I don't have a great excuse, just the same as anyone else: life. Life takes over, and the next thing you know it's six [...]
The list of panels and panelists for AWP13 is out.Here's why I'm not on it:Even though I had a fantastic time moderating a panel at last year's conference, even though [...]