
Bull’s eye, baby

THE DAY I DIED is available in TARGET STORES! Wooooooo! I've been going to Target since college, so I'm totally geeked to be in their emerging authors section. You can [...]

By |April 17, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

THE DAY I DIED is an IndieNext Pick!

Exciting news! The Day I Died has been chosen for an IndieNext Pick for April! Along with some other amazing books! I have already pre-ordered about... all of these books. [...]

By |March 2, 2017|Categories: News|

School’s in this summer

I'm teaching at two writing workshops this summer, in case you're seeking some instruction...   In June I'll be teaching at the Yale Summer Writers' Workshop. Info here. I'll be [...]

By |February 7, 2017|Categories: Events, Teaching|