Signed books for the holidays?

Yesterday I ordered five signed books from an independent bookstore in New Hampshire. I don’t think I’ve ever been to New Hampshire. But I had read a book by an author who lives there, and I wanted signed books to give away for the holidays (and, let’s be honest, one for myself). I can’t tell you what the book is. You might be getting one.

MY POINT, I suppose, is that you can get a book signed and personalized by an author to your giftee merely by asking, “Hey, which bookstore would you be willing to visit soon?” In this case, it was a store in NH.

If you want signed/personalized books of mine, I am readily available to visit The Book Cellar in Chicago to make that possible. All you have to do is order your books there and in the comments section of your order, specify who you want the book signed to. They will let me know and I’ll run over and do it so they can ship before the holidays. Easy peasy. I would not be surprised if other authors would make you the same offer—just choose the bookstore carefully so that it’s really easy for the author to accommodate you, and do the ordering sooner rather than later.

(Note that there are hardcover and paperback editions to Under a Dark Sky and The Lucky One, and that The Lucky One will not ship until Feb. 18. Sorry to my sister-in-law Krista and all the teachers at her school who usually have a new book for Christmas.)

By Published On: December 4, 2019Categories: Uncategorized