Gotham, me, and dark Swedish mysteries

My Gotham online class started today! Which means, basically, the tech guy opened the web floodgates and I can see what’s been posted so far: the class roster, the “lecture” for this week, the assignments, the schedule for student work submissions.

Except for turning in some pages before next Wednesday—yes, I offered to go first. I’m good to have in your class that way—I’m already done for the week. Overachiever! Also, I don’t like to let things linger, my friends.

Also? I’m pretty excited to be taking the class. Do I have time? No. Do I already find it difficult to fit things and people into my life? Yes. But it’s a way to prioritize what I want to be a priority. It’s like jumping off the cliff of my old job in 2006, hoping that something would catch me. And what caught me was writing and the people I met who loved to write as much as I did. Going into my MFA program was a way to take back what I wanted from life. Same thing this time. I do have to work around my job this time around, but that just means LASER-LIKE FOCUS.

Which is why my homework? She is done.

Our textbook is The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Of course it is. And I was just wondering the other day who in the world was left to buy any more copies of that book.

By Published On: July 15, 2010Categories: Reading, Writing, Writing life